Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Soy sauce and red wine steak

This recipe is super easy to make, you don't need fancy topper ware to make this possible, just a fresh piece of steak from the supermarket.

- Steak
- Salt and pepper
- Oil
- Soysauce
- Any kind of red wine
- Butter

Sprinkle small amount of salt and pepper on both side of the steak. In a skillet, spray olive oil to cover whole pan. Turn on medium to high heat to warm up skillet for 1 minute. Place steak on skillet, do not move the steak. Place lid on skillet for faster cooking. After 2 minutes, flip the steak, again, do not move the steak after it has been flipped. Place lid on skillet and cook for 5 minutes. By this time the steak should be rare. Transfer steak onto a presenting plate. With the leftover juice remained in the skillet, mix in 3 tablespoonful of soysauce, 3 tablespoonful of red wine, and 1 tablespoon of butter. Let it melt together in the skillet, then pour sauce over steak.

The total process making this steak should be less than 10 minutes, and it tastes great!

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