Sunday, October 5, 2014

Oh, the pop songs.

No doubt do singers, artists, and song composers obtain their inspirations on a hit-pop song from their personal experiences. When writing short stories, I sometimes find certain sparks from moments of my life when I decide to incorporate into a short story. That specific moment would be a climax scene within the story, then I expand from there on. I guess for song composers, they do the same thing. They experience through a heart break, then transition their strong feelings towards their song. This ability to transform their intense emotions into successful work energy is something I have admired for a long time -- since it is something I am unable to do.

I started listening to the pop song station on Pandora when I thought that the happy melodies and energetic beats would somewhat improve my mood after my hateful heartbreak. But, surprisingly, no. Listening to the hit music station made me realize that many other people, noticeably those song composers, too, are going through the same heart break as I was. Listening to their songs restated the painful memories that I was trying to forget. Their lyrics speaks the feelings that I kept so hard to myself in my inner dialogue. One song after another, breakups after breakups. The music of feelings dominates me, as if the songs were controlling how I feel -- transitioning my mood from anger to sadness, from sadness to indifference. And from their on, I believe I have completed my musical therapy of the day.

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