Monday, October 20, 2014

Wisdom teeth extraction

I have had wisdom teeth extractions a couple of years ago. From my aged memories, it was not that bad. I just remembering my face swollen up for a couple of days and not that much hardship had I experienced. The other day I got my wisdom teeth pulled out again, and did not think it would be that much of a big deal. It was a quick surgery, both teeth were out in less than 15 minutes. I felt numbing for half side of my face, but still in a good state to grab prescriptions and walk home. But after the numbing, comes intense pain in the back of my gums. It got to a point that it was so intolerable that tears started coming out. I was naive enough to believe that I can go through the post surgical recovery without any painkillers. I ended up taking some pretty strong medication and slept through two entire days. Now that I think about it, aside from that pain that forced me to take painkillers, it was a pretty pleasant recovery time for me. And that is an example of how I forget all the pain and sufferings I go through in life.

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