Monday, August 18, 2014


I have never tried macarons before, despite how popular and recommended they are as epitome of the french pastry. Of course there are people that are constantly on the hunt for "authentic" and "delicious" macarons. My response for such passions and interests were often indifferent. 

At first I was even confused with the difference between macarons and macaroons. They sound the same, so I assumed that they were the same thing but spelled differently in different languages. Then I realized, after googling, that they are indeed two different kind of pastries.

Common macaron flavors are vanilla, chocolate, caremel, blueberry, orange, etc, which is pretty much what I have tried from this macaron box obtained from a french influenced korean bakery. It is commonly known that food coloring is used in some of the macarons with brighter colors. I am more curious to find out the true colors of macarons before them being stained with those un-natural brighter colors. 

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