I encounter several thoughts of laziness in a day. Once when getting up from bed, once for making breakfast, once for recording on my lab notebook, once for second-checking of errors, and even once for holding bathroom break for longer. When I was studying for my MCAT, I was certainly having this thought often.
But is this really laziness? Is un-wanting to get up in the morning due to lack of sleep really called laziness? I think it's called irresponsibility. Is not wanting to make breakfast due to lack of time called laziness? I think it's called lack of interest. Is not wanting to recording down lab procedures as mandatory lab practice laziness? I think it's called lack of appreciation. And is not wanting to study for MCAT called laziness? I think it is my inability to accept reality.
Laziness, defined in the dictionary as "the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy", is just a by-product or reflection of other negative traits I exhibit. In social psychology, people quickly associate a trait with another individual so that they can conveniently recall everyone they know about that individual. Isn't that laziness? And applying internally to an individual, laziness is just a way for one to figure out the most effective and energy conservative way to get things done. Isn't that smart? Therefore, if one calls me laziness, I will defined with pride, that I am indeed, not lazy, but instead, not interested/not appreciative/irresponsible.
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